Relationships at Work (with Hallos)
Eddie is a certified user of the Hallos Relationship methodology - a personal styles analysis system that uses an algorithm to sort the answers chosen by individuals in a short online questionnaire, and provide a color-coded personality profile. Hallos differs from some other similar personality systems in that its focus is on optimizing relationships with others, and within teams. It identifies 5 personal styles - and we are all a fascinating mixture of all 5.... although we have two that truly drive us through life.

It is non-pejorative, there is no ‘best answer’ and it helps individuals to be more self-aware, to create awareness of others’ styles, and to measure diversity in teams. It is a powerful tool for leadership development.

How well do you know yourself? How well do you know your colleagues? How does our team behave? Are we balanced and diverse in the styles being represented? Are we missing something? Diversity in teams is a good thing, how diverse are we? What kind of organization are we? Do we want to be? Why? What can be the benefits of greater awareness of these factors for staff engagement, creativity, teamwork or values? How empathetic are we to the needs and expectations of our client's style and preferences? What can be the benefits of greater awareness of these factors in our client relationships? How can better relationships be converted into revenue and profit for the business?
Recently we have run successful workshops with teams from Alliott Group, Brunswick Group PR, Linkenheimer, Bowman PCA, Amadeus North America and the teachers at the Community School of the Park Cities in Dallas.